Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN)

Canada’s new, higher-resolution hydrographic network.

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About the CHN

The Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN) is an advancement in hydrographic data for Canada, enhancing the resolution, accuracy, and alignment to elevation for hydrological modelling. It is a product developed by the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).

Why is it Useful?

The CHN offers many improvements for hydrological modelling. It is high resolution (where possible) and aligned to elevation making it invaluable for analyses such as:

  • Flooding: determining potential flood extents in the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) or for emergency management
  • Transport rate: of sediment, nutrients, or other substances transported by the water surface
  • Climate / Environment: such as drought prediction and wildfire susceptibility
  • Wildlife: habitat modelling, especially for aquatic species
  • Water management: aiding urban planning, civil engineering, and conservation authorities

The CHN provides analysis-ready data to support decision-making processes and the development of evidence-based policy. Its streamlined production processes and collaborative approach foster innovation and facilitate interdisciplinary research in hydrography and related fields.

What are its improvements?

Compared to its predecessor, the National Hydrographic Network (NHN), the CHN has several improvements:

  • Using LiDAR-derived Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), such as the High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM), for precise flowline and catchment extraction.
  • Using GeoAI, where available, which extracts surface water features from high-resolution optical imagery.
  • Incorporating value-added attributes (VAAS) that allow full network traversability and enhanced analysis capabilities.
  • Streamlining production processes and using hydrologically connected work units to simplify data dissemination and access.
Canadian Hydrospatial Network map

CHN data

Access the metadata and download the available datasets.

Canadian Hydrospatial Network map

Canadian Hydrospatial Network map

View and explore a map of the network that includes waterbodies, catchments, and flow.

What’s next for the CHN?

The development of the CHN is an ongoing process, with a commitment to continual improvement. Future releases will include additional watersheds and regions. Technological advancements and new high-resolution data will be integrated into the CHN to stay at the forefront of hydrospatial network design and production in Canada.

Ongoing efforts will maintain data quality, improve access for users, and will advance hydrographic data standards in Canada and provide Canadians with current, open, and freely available hydrospatial information.

Additional information

Find more information from Natural Resources Canada about the Canadian Hydrospatial Network and Hydrographic Networks in Canada.

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