Flood Map and Dataset Gallery

Explore the flood map and dataset gallery to view flood hazard data, and other datasets that deepen our understanding of flooding.

Interactive Flood Maps

Explore ready-to-use maps to deepen your understanding of flooding.

A teardrop icon with a clock icon and waves in its centre.

Historical Flood Events

Explore an archive of locations where some of the largest floods have taken place in recent Canadian history.

A teardrop icon with a satellite and waves in its centre.

Floods in Canada - Current Year

Explore floods for the current year as monitored by Natural Resources Canada.

Icon of map inside a tear drop icon.

Flood Susceptibility Index

Find out how likely flooding is to occur in different parts of Canada.

A teardrop icon with Canada and waves in its centre.

Canada Flood Map Inventory

Explore available flood hazard maps in your area in Canada.


Explore geospatial datasets related to water and flooding on Geo.ca.

Black and white 3D reliefs of the surface of the ground. There are no buildings or trees included.

High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM)

The High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) includes a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), a Digital Surface Model (DSM) and other derived data. South of the productive forest line, DTM and DSM datasets are generated from airborne LiDAR data. In the north, they are derived from satellite images.

A 3D view of point clouds from above of a neighbourhood of houses and trees. Points corresponding to buildings, trees and the ground were colorized as red, green and gray, respectively.

LiDAR Point Clouds Product

This product contains point clouds from various airborne LiDAR acquisition projects conducted in Canada. These airborne LiDAR acquisition projects may have been conducted by NRCan or by various partners. The point cloud files are distributed using the compressed .LAZ / Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) format.

Related Sites

Learn About Flood Mapping

Flood maps show an area that may be covered by water, or show where the water reaches during a specific flood event. They are critical tools that can help us identify potential risks and mitigate flood impacts.

Federal Flood Mapping Resources (Natural Resources Canada)

The Government of Canada is investing to help Canadians better plan and prepare for future floods. Learn how the Government of Canada contributes to the production of flood maps.