Canada Flood Map Inventory

Explore available flood hazard maps in your area in Canada.

Canada Flood Map Inventory

The Flood Map Inventory shows areas in Canada where a flood hazard map has been collected by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). The inventory provides information on how to access these maps and does not display flood zones or extents. Depending on the license and availability status, there may be links for download, along with references to the original source and/or data owner.

NRCan collaborates with provincial and territorial governments to gather flood hazard maps from them as well as from municipalities, and other agencies responsible for flood mapping. The inventory will be updated as maps are received from partners.  

Disclaimer: The Flood Map Inventory should not be regarded as the official repository of flood hazard maps in Canada. The inventory does not include all flood hazard maps in Canada and is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. The absence of information in the inventory does not mean that an area has not been mapped. Please consult the organization responsible for your province, territory, or municipality for the most up-to-date and official information on flood maps.

Note: Data and maps in the Inventory can be made available upon request to federal and contributing partners.

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