Flood Susceptibility Index

Explore flood prone areas in Canada.

Flood Susceptibility Index

This national map shows how likely a given area is to be affected by flooding. Probabilities are based on patterns of historic flood events and determined by an ensemble machine learning model.

This map can be used on a national, provincial or regional scale. It can be used as a guide for identifying areas for further investigation.

The Flood Susceptibility Index Dataset has been processed and is available at a 30 m cell size. However, it is not recommended for use at the pixel or street level due to the uncertainty in the modelling process and the variability of results as discussed in Prediction and Classification of Flood Susceptibility Based on Historic Record in a Large, Diverse, and Data Sparse Country.

For additional details on the methods, tests, models and datasets used to generate this data layer, please see Accessing the impact of meteorological variables on machine learning flood susceptibility mapping.

The colours used on the map show the probability of flooding for an area.
A colour gradient bar ranging from light yellow to show the lowest to dark blue to show the highest.

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